Pedro Trueba: Artist in Residence
Pedro Trueba是一位享誉国际的墨西哥当代艺术家,他的作品曾在纽约、巴黎、渥太华、蒙特利尔、新德里、日内瓦、巴塞罗那、奥维耶多、特拉维夫和安曼展出,现在又在新西兰惠灵顿展出。
他创作了9000多幅艺术作品,出版了21多本书,并参加了100多个墨西哥国家展览和25多个国际展览。 他曾担任国家人类博物馆博物馆学副主任(1995-2001)和国家文化艺术委员会文化遗产遗址和纪念碑总局项目协调员(2002-2006)。 他领导了几个国家级和国际重要的文化项目,并得到了国家和国际的认可。
他的职业生涯已在墨西哥众议院得到正式承认。 曾获纽约Mad博物馆国际艺术巡展奖,墨西哥哈拉帕大学荣誉博士学位。 2019年,他被国际西班牙语杂志《El Cip》评为“年度人物”。




佩德罗·特鲁巴,普雷萨 2.10
5 – 21 September Artist in Residence
5 September – 1 October Exhibition
Pedro Trueba Zepeda will be painting in the Academy Galleries in early September!
Pedro Trueba is an internationally acclaimed contemporary Mexican artist whose works have been shown in New York, Paris, Ottawa, Montreal, New Delhi, Geneva, Barcelona, Oviedo, Tel Aviv and Amman, and now Wellington, New Zealand.
He has created more than nine thousand art works, published more than 21 books, and exhibited in more than 100 national exhibitions in Mexico and over 25 international exhibitions. He served as deputy director of Museography at the National Museum of Anthropology (1995-2001) and coordinator of Projects at the General Directorate of Sites and Monuments of Cultural Heritage of the National Council for Culture and Arts (2002-2006). He has headed several cultural projects of national and international relevance and received national and international recognition.
His career has been formally recognised in the Mexican Chamber of Deputies. He received the International Art Tour Award at the Mad Museum in New York and Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Xalapa, Mexico. He was recognised as “person of the year” in 2019 by international Spanish-language magazine, ‘El Cip’.
This exhibition will continue to 30 September and is being brought to Wellington by the Embassy of the Republic of Mexico.